How to know who is a reliable scholar with Omar Chatilla

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How to know who is a reliable scholar and being mindful of who we learn our deen from?

Br. Omar Chatila will give a talk helping to teach attendees who to know who is a reliable scholar and how to be mindful of who we learn our deen from. This talk will be via Zoom with a short Q&A at the end. The talk is free to attend but space is limited and registration is required. Registrants will receive a email with zoom details ahead of the event.

Lecturer: Br. Omar Chatila

About Br. Omar Chatila

Br. Omar Chatila has been working in the field of Islamic Education for many years as a teacher and administrator. After receiving his bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Maryland College Park, Br. Omar went on to complete his Masters Degree in Management from Wake Forest University. He has served as the Principal of a full-time Islamic school in Florida for six years, and has also served as the President of the Florida Islamic Schools Association and the Vice President of the Council of Islamic Schools in North America in the past. Br. Omar has been actively involved in the local Muslim communities that he has lived in over the years, and has taught classes and given Khutbahs on a regular basis. He has a wide range of teaching experience that includes teaching children in Elementary, Middle, and High School, as well as working with Graduate and Undergraduate students at the College level. Br. Omar has studied the deen with various shuyukh and students of knowledge, both in Lebanon where he is originally from as well as here in the United States, but he has benefitted the most in furthering his journey of seeking knowledge through independently studying some of the works and lectures of Sheikh Al-Albani (rahimahullah) as well as some of his main students who are active in Jordan today, as well as other scholars from Ahlussunnah Wal Jama’ah past and present.

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