- Zakat is the third pillar of Islam. It is a religious obligation of every individual Muslim, which involves a contribution of 2.5% of their savings to those eligible.
- Any Muslim who satisfies the zakat threshold (also known as the nisab threshold), is obligated to contribute a portion of their wealth.
- The nisab threshold is the minimum wealth a Muslim possesses to be eligible to contribute their zakat.
- Gold and silver are the two values used to calculate the nisab threshold. The values include:
87.48 grams of gold.
612.36 grams of silver.
- There are eight categories of people who are eligible to receive zakat contributions specifically:
- The poor, meaning low-income or indigent.
- The needy, meaning someone who is in difficulty.
- Zakat administrators.
- Those whose hearts are to be reconciled, meaning new Muslims and friends of the Muslim community.
- Those in bondage (slaves and captives).
- The debt-ridden.
- Those in the cause of God.
- The wayfarer, meaning those who are stranded or traveling with few resources.
Outreach and Zakat
- The NWDF Majlis Ash-Shura are aware of valid Islamic scholarly opinions on the permissibility of allocating zakat funds to outreach (dawah). This opinion maintains that the “those in the cause of God” category is to be interpreted, in our contemporary context, as upholding and strengthening Islam through outreach.
- The NWDF Majlis Ash-Shura adopts the valid Islamic scholarly opinion that zakat funds can be used for outreach (dawah).
New Muslims and Zakat
- The NWDF Majlis Ash-Shura adopts the valid Islamic scholarly opinion that zakat funds can be used for the development and empowerment of new Muslims. This is based on an interpretation of the “Those whose hearts are to be reconciled” category.
- These funds can be used to ensure that people who have embraced Islam continue to remain Muslim and strengthen their faith. This position is adopted by many scholars from all the Islamic schools of jurisprudence.
Zakat Administration
- Receiving donations:
Donations to NWDF can be received:
- Online donations (
- Check.
- Cash.